VPR Draw Structures


struct t_draw_state

Structure used to store variables related to highlighting/drawing.

Stores a lot of different variables to reflect current draw state. Most callback functions/UI elements mutate some member in this struct, which then alters the draw state. Accessible through global function get_draw_state_vars() in draw_global.cpp. It is recommended to name the variable draw_state for consistent form.


t_draw_state is used in the same way as a Context, but cannot be a Context because Contexts are not copyable, while t_draw_state must be. (t_draw_state is copied to save a restore of the graphics state when running graphics commands.)

Public Members

pic_type pic_on_screen = NO_PICTURE

What to draw on the screen (ROUTING, PLACEMENT, NO_PICTURE)

e_draw_nets show_nets = DRAW_NO_NETS

Whether to show nets at placement and routing.

e_draw_crit_path show_crit_path = DRAW_NO_CRIT_PATH

Whether to show crit path.

e_draw_congestion show_congestion = DRAW_NO_CONGEST

Controls if congestion is shown, when ROUTING is on screen.

e_draw_routing_costs show_routing_costs

Controls if routing congestion costs are shown, when ROUTING is on screen.

e_draw_block_pin_util show_blk_pin_util = DRAW_NO_BLOCK_PIN_UTIL

Toggles whether block pin util is shown.

e_draw_router_expansion_cost show_router_expansion_cost = DRAW_NO_ROUTER_EXPANSION_COST

Toggles whether router expansion cost is shown.

e_draw_placement_macros show_placement_macros = DRAW_NO_PLACEMENT_MACROS

Toggles whether placement macros are shown.

e_draw_routing_util show_routing_util = DRAW_NO_ROUTING_UTIL

toggles whether routing util is shown

e_draw_rr_toggle draw_rr_toggle = DRAW_NO_RR

Controls drawing of routing resources on screen, if pic_on_screen is ROUTING.

bool clip_routing_util = false

Whether routing util is shown.

bool draw_block_outlines = true

Boolean that toggles block outlines are shown.

bool draw_block_text = true

Boolean that toggles block names.

bool draw_partitions = false

Boolean that toggles showing partitions.

int draw_net_max_fanout = std::numeric_limits<int>::max()

integer value for net max fanout

int max_sub_blk_lvl = 0

The maximum number of sub-block levels among all physical block types in the FPGA.

int show_blk_internal = 0

If 0, no internal drawing is shown. Otherwise, indicates how many levels of sub-pbs to be drawn.

bool show_graphics = false

Whether graphics are enabled.

int gr_automode = 0

How often is user input required. (0: each t, 1: each place, 2: never)

bool auto_proceed = false

Should we automatically finish drawing (instead of waiting in the event loop for user interaction?

e_route_type draw_route_type = GLOBAL


char default_message[vtr::bufsize]

default screen message on screen

vtr::vector<ClusterNetId, ezgl::color> net_color

color in which each net should be drawn. [0..cluster_ctx.clb_nlist.nets().size()-1]

vtr::vector<RRNodeId, t_draw_rr_node> draw_rr_node

stores the state information of each routing resource.

Used to control drawing each routing resource when ROUTING is on screen. [0..device_ctx.rr_nodes.size()-1]

const t_arch *arch_info = nullptr

pointer to architecture info. const

bool save_graphics = false

Whether to generate an output graphics file.

bool forced_pause = false

If we should pause for user interaction (requested by user)

float pres_fac = 1.

Present congestion cost factor used when drawing. Is a copy of router’s current pres_fac.

bool show_noc_button = false

Whether we are showing the NOC button.

e_draw_noc draw_noc = DRAW_NO_NOC

Draw state for NOC drawing.

bool justEnabled = false

Tracks autocomplete enabling.

std::vector<t_draw_layer_display> draw_layer_display

Stores visibility and transparency drawing controls for each layer [0 … grid.num_layers -1].

t_draw_layer_display cross_layer_display

Visibility and transparency for elements that cross die layers.

std::string save_graphics_file_base = "vpr"

base of save graphics file name (i.e before extension)


struct t_draw_coords

Global Struct that stores drawn coords/sizes of grid blocks/logic blocks.

Structure used to store coordinates and dimensions for grid tiles and logic blocks in the FPGA. Accessible through the global function get_draw_coords_vars().

Public Functions



float get_tile_width()

returns tile width

float get_tile_height()

returns tile width

ezgl::rectangle get_pb_bbox(ClusterBlockId clb_index, const t_pb_graph_node &pb_gnode)

returns bounding box for given pb in given clb

ezgl::rectangle get_pb_bbox(int grid_layer, int grid_x, int grid_y, int sub_block_index, const t_logical_block_type_ptr type, const t_pb_graph_node &pb_gnode)

returns bounding box of sub block at given location of given type w. given pb

ezgl::rectangle get_pb_bbox(int grid_layer, int grid_x, int grid_y, int sub_block_index, const t_logical_block_type_ptr type)

returns pb of sub block of given idx/given type at location

ezgl::rectangle get_absolute_pb_bbox(const ClusterBlockId clb_index, const t_pb_graph_node *pb_gnode)

returns a bounding box for the given pb in the given clb with absolute coordinates, that can be directly drawn.

ezgl::rectangle get_absolute_clb_bbox(const ClusterBlockId clb_index, const t_logical_block_type_ptr type)

Returns bounding box for CLB of given idx/type.

ezgl::rectangle get_absolute_clb_bbox(int grid_layer, int grid_x, int grid_y, int sub_block_index)

Returns a bounding box for the clb at device_ctx.grid[grid_x][grid_y].blocks[sub_block_index], even if it is empty.

ezgl::rectangle get_absolute_clb_bbox(int grid_layer, int grid_x, int grid_y, int sub_block_index, const t_logical_block_type_ptr block_type)

Returns a bounding box for the clb at device_ctx.grid[grid_x][grid_y].blocks[sub_block_index], of given type even if it is empty.

Public Members

float *tile_x

Form the axes of the chips coordinate system.

tile_x and tile_y form two axes that make a COORDINATE SYSTEM for grid_tiles, which goes from (tile_x[0],tile_y[0]) at the lower left corner of the FPGA to (tile_x[device_ctx.grid.width()-1]+tile_width, tile_y[device_ctx.grid.height()-1]+tile_width) in the upper right corner.

float pin_size

Half-width or Half-height of a pin. Set when init_draw_coords is called.

std::vector<t_draw_pb_type_info> blk_info

stores drawing information for different block types

a list of drawing information for each type of block, one for each type. Access it with cluster_ctx.clb_nlist.block_type(block_id)->index